Crane Classifications & Certification Path
If you are interested in becoming a crane operator but are not to enter an apprenticeship program, you can apply to certify on the following crane types:
- Self-Erect Tower
- Hydraulic – 20 Tonnes and Under
- Stiff Boom – 40 Tonnes and Under
- Stiff Boom – 20 Tonnes and Under
- Folding Boom – 22 Tonnes and Under
- Folding Boom – 10 Tonnes and Under

Register with BC Crane Safety
All crane operators working in British Columbia must be registered with BC Crane Safety. If you haven’t already done so, please register now.
Apply for a BC Crane Operator – Provisional Designation (formerly Level B)
A BC Crane Operator – Provisional designation (formerly Level B) is required during your entire training period. Click here to learn more and for the application form. Please note: this application form must be completed in collaboration with your employer.
Work Under Supervision Until Competent
As soon as you are registered with BC Crane Safety, you will have access to an online logbook where you record your work experience. Your sponsor/employer approves your logbook entries as you progress and, at the end of your training period, signs off on your logbook. This confirms that you have the relevant experience and can move on to the BC Crane Operator Assessment.
BC Crane Operator Assessment
The BC Crane Operator Assessment for these crane classifications consists of a written test and a practical test designed to evaluate an operator’s crane-handling skills. Apply at Fulford Certification when you are ready to start the assessment process.
Upon passing the written and practical tests, you will be designated a BC Crane Operator – Full Scope for the relevant crane classification.
PO Box 42066, RPO Guildford
Surrey, BC V3R 1S5
PHONE: 604-336-4699
FAX: 604-336-4510