As an employer, it’s your responsibility to ensure the health and safety of your employees and those around them in the workplace.
As the employer, you need to know and understand the following information:
- The crane operator credential, once issued, does not replace or remove this responsibility. You, as the employer, continue to remain responsible for the health and safety of your employees regardless of the certification process your employees may have completed.
- As the employer, you can require any credentialed operator to go for re-assessment as part of your due diligence to determine that the operator is competent.
The Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Regulation is available on the WorkSafeBC website. The following two sections are specific to crane operations:
Part 14 – Cranes and Hoists
Part 15 – Rigging
For other safety-related information and resources, we encourage you to check out the WorkSafeBC website.
The Occupational Health & Safety Regulation (OSHR) requires a BC employer to conduct a new worker orientation before allowing workers to perform their job. Due diligence requires employers to ensure that new workers understand their responsibilities as crane operators.
Crane Resources
Identification of needs and addressing those needs, to help ensure a safe workplace, is an ongoing process. Check the Industry Resources section regularly for updates.
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