We’re All Responsible for Health and Safety
The Workers Compensation Act – Part 2, Division 4 outlines the responsibilities of employers, workers, supervisors and others on the job site. As an employer or supervisor, it is your responsibility to ensure the health and safety of your employees and those around them in the workplace. Learn more about important information for crane-related employers.
Supervisor’s responsibilities
Supervisors play a key role with very specific health and safety responsibilities that need to be understood.
A supervisor is a person who instructs, directs, and controls workers in the performance of their duties. A supervisor can be any worker — management or staff — who meets this definition, whether he or she has the supervisor title. If someone in the workplace has a supervisor’s responsibilities, that person is responsible for worker health and safety.
As a supervisor, some of your key responsibilities include the following:
- Ensure the health and safety of all workers under your direct supervision.
- Know the WorkSafeBC requirements that apply to the work under your supervision and make sure those requirements are met.
- Ensure workers under your supervision are aware of all known hazards.
- Ensure workers under your supervision have the appropriate personal protective equipment, which is being used properly, regularly inspected, and maintained.
For more information on supervisor responsibilities, please see WorkSafeBC roles, rights & responsibilities.
Employer’s responsibilities
If you’re an employer, you have responsibilities to create and manage a healthy and safe workplace, which include:
- A legal obligation to meet the requirements of the OHS Regulation and related materials
- A role to play in enhancing health and safety culture and performance
As part of the benefits of your WorkSafeBCs coverage, you have the following responsibilities. You need to register for coverage, pay premiums, report your payroll, contact us about changes to your business, provide a safe workplace, report injuries and diseases, and investigate incidents. For more information on employers responsibilities, please see WorkSafeBC Employer Responsibilities.

Safe Work Practices (Health and Safety)
BC Crane Safety provides a collection of safe work practices, procedures, and tools to help you improve safe production on your worksites.
Our Safe Work Practices looks at new technology, trends, and regulatory requirements. Our goal is to assist you in increasing worker and worksite safety. We use Plan-Do-Check-Act principles to make sure the practices focus on continuous improvement and safety.
Click on Safe Work Practices to access current safe work practices available on the BC Crane Safety website.
If you want to get involved, be sure to connect with the Crane Community online by joining any of the special interest groups.

Crane Resources
Identification of needs and addressing those needs, to help ensure a safe workplace, is an ongoing process. Check the Industry Resources section regularly for updates.
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PO Box 42066, RPO Guildford
Surrey, BC V3R 1S5
PHONE: 604-336-4699
FAX: 604-336-4510
EMAIL: info@bccranesafety.ca