• BC Crane Safety Association - tower cranes at waterfront

Our Guiding Principles

Vision Statement

Safe and competent crane, hoisting, and rigging operations throughout British Columbia.

Mission Statement

To engage with our stakeholders concerned with cranes, hoists and rigging, including employers and workers, across multiple sectors to support safe crane and hoisting operations in British Columbia.


  • Maintain the integrity, validity and reliability of crane operator certification and licensing within British Columbia
  • Collaborate with industry and other stakeholders to identify and promote industry practices that support safe and effective crane and hoisting operations in B.C.
  • Advocate for standards, policies and regulations that support safe and effective crane operations in B.C. through stakeholder engagement and advisory groups

BC Crane Safety Guiding Principles diagram

Organizational Objectives

  • Promoting accident-free crane operations throughout British Columbia
  • The establishment in British Columbia of a cost-effective crane operator qualification regime that:
    • Involves documented proof of competency
    • Includes theoretical and practical assessments
    • Is accessible and available at all levels and types of industry
  • Promoting the attractiveness of the trade to prospective entry-level crane operators and the timely achievement of their qualifications
  • Serving as an industry advisory body to agencies in a position to oversee qualifications and standards
  • Serving as an advisory body to the Workers’ Compensation Board of British Columbia (WorkSafeBC) regarding occupational health and safety matters and regulations as they impact crane operations.

Our Values

  • Leadership
  • Stewardship
  • Transparency
  • Partnership
  • Professionalism